Employer Stop Loss

Stop Loss & Excess Medical

From underwriting expertise that helps shape the design of your plan to accurate claim evaluation and prompt reimbursement, we support and guide our clients every step of the way.

Our stop loss underwriters have and share a wealth of expertise in this area. They understand both the nuances of the products — and the challenges of the market. Their expertise allows them to work with you to develop custom solutions that can include*:

  • Flexible Specific and Aggregate Deductibles
  • Willing to quote non-standard aggregate corridors
  • No New Laser and Limited Rate Increase at Renewal (Option)
  • Policy mirrors plan document (where available)

Our expertise also means our appetite includes unique risks such as*:

  • Prison groups
  • Indian tribes
  • Casinos
  • Captive arrangements

Medical Management that Delivers Cost Management

Our C&F ReClaim Clinical Risk Management team provides catastrophic medical management and detailed oversight of complex claims – the kind that can have high stakes for employees and high costs for employers. Our medical claims management services are built to complement and expand the capabilities of any existing medical claims management program, and to ensure that things like billing and coding errors don’t prevent employers from receiving all the discounts they are entitled to.

Support Every Step of the Way

Our team supports you throughout our relationship, from step-by-step guidance during onboarding, to efficient claim management and prompt payment.  Transparency and integrity guide our conversations and we believe in sharing information promptly to avoid surprises at renewal.

From direct access to our team – from executives on down, the unparalleled producer and client support we offer builds long-term relationships.

To learn more about the Stop Loss solution we can build with you, contact us today.

Please send RFPs to cfstoploss.rfp@cfins.com

*Subject to state law.


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